Fri-02-03-2018, 23:20 PM
Hi everyone, I had answered another thread but Jim encouraged me to start a new thread about my journey with Taltz. I’ve suffered from psoriasis for at least the past 20;years - it could be quite mild at times but then would come back with a vengeance. I used to cover my legs and arms in makeup and would cry in embarrassment when going to the hairdresser.
I tried every topical treatment but relief was so temporary. Phototherapy also provided some short-term relief but I felt I was going to be saddled with this for the rest of my life.
I had been wary of some of the biologic treatments because of the side effects, but I was getting desperate.Then I happened to see a TV ad for Taltz and asked my dermatologist about it. He said it was clearly the most exciting new treatment he has seen - with very little risk - so he signed me on for a clinical trial.
I started Taltz last May, and I haven’t looked back since! As I outlined in another thread, those first two injections were torture - I had received some very perfunctory instructions, but then the technician was watching me so I quickly decided that the upper thigh would be the most discreet place while being observed. OUCH! The first one hurt like hell but I had to steel myself to just get through the second one.
Since then I have had the regular doses sent to my home and I have no problem administering it myself. Through trial and error I have found that the best place to inject is my lower belly a few inches from my belly button. Very little reaction and the sting lasts less than a minute.
With Taltz, I became 100% clear within three months. I am now almost 9 months into treatment with a dose once a month, and remain clear.
I can’t tell you how much of a new lease on life this has given me. For someone who wore long skirts and 3/4 length sleeves just one year ago on a visit to Florida, during this most recent trip I proudly wore shorts and sleeveless tops! This summer will ROCK!
I wish everyone the best in your own personal journey with this awful disease - I am thrilled to share that my experience with Taltz has been nothing short of a miracle LOL ?
I tried every topical treatment but relief was so temporary. Phototherapy also provided some short-term relief but I felt I was going to be saddled with this for the rest of my life.
I had been wary of some of the biologic treatments because of the side effects, but I was getting desperate.Then I happened to see a TV ad for Taltz and asked my dermatologist about it. He said it was clearly the most exciting new treatment he has seen - with very little risk - so he signed me on for a clinical trial.
I started Taltz last May, and I haven’t looked back since! As I outlined in another thread, those first two injections were torture - I had received some very perfunctory instructions, but then the technician was watching me so I quickly decided that the upper thigh would be the most discreet place while being observed. OUCH! The first one hurt like hell but I had to steel myself to just get through the second one.
Since then I have had the regular doses sent to my home and I have no problem administering it myself. Through trial and error I have found that the best place to inject is my lower belly a few inches from my belly button. Very little reaction and the sting lasts less than a minute.
With Taltz, I became 100% clear within three months. I am now almost 9 months into treatment with a dose once a month, and remain clear.
I can’t tell you how much of a new lease on life this has given me. For someone who wore long skirts and 3/4 length sleeves just one year ago on a visit to Florida, during this most recent trip I proudly wore shorts and sleeveless tops! This summer will ROCK!
I wish everyone the best in your own personal journey with this awful disease - I am thrilled to share that my experience with Taltz has been nothing short of a miracle LOL ?