Sat-25-11-2017, 03:50 AM
Thanks for sharing, Yogi. I got great results going on my own within a few months, but until that time I had only used topicals. What conventional treatments did you try? I don't see the medical divides that you see. Instead, I see conventional medicine as a collection of viable therapies: If something works very well it will become part of conventional medicine. Alternative treatments tend to be alternative because they dont work so well. The other observation I'd make about things like Sorion is that it is much cheaper to make your own as the ingredients are easily obtained. I think that the topical I made was very good, but I haven't made any for years as the systemic treatment I use leaves me almost devoid of psoriasis. Obviously you still have enough psoriasis to want topicals, so maybe your alternative therapy is letting you down? Perhaps you should look at some of the amazing therapies that dermatologists are offering these days?