Mon-13-03-2017, 21:56 PM
Hi Caroline & JohnB,
Thanks for the reply!
I'm due to see my derm again in 3 weeks, a bit earlier than usual but seeing as I had this flare up he's gonna bring me back early.
Fumaderm was brilliant previously, it was just a bit of a shock how quickly it came back when I reduced tablets
Thanks for all the replies today, it really is a relief to hear from other people who have dealt with similar setbacks
Thanks for the reply!
I'm due to see my derm again in 3 weeks, a bit earlier than usual but seeing as I had this flare up he's gonna bring me back early.
Fumaderm was brilliant previously, it was just a bit of a shock how quickly it came back when I reduced tablets
Thanks for all the replies today, it really is a relief to hear from other people who have dealt with similar setbacks