Tue-30-08-2016, 21:07 PM
(Tue-30-08-2016, 19:22 PM)Mandy mason Wrote: Many thanks to everyone who got in touch with me, whether welcoming me to the club or providing me with much needed advice and personal experiences.
After reading some of your replies I'm definitely going to persevere with the treatment, I was given three months worth, so I'll see how it goes. I'm going abroad next week and due to the state of my skin, especially my legs, I'm rather dreading it! I'm paranoid people will be staring x
I was exactly like you, Mandy and would not uncover despite everyone telling me no one would notice...it's a state of mind that's difficult to shake off .....and I share your dread .....
I would say try to tough it out as you won't know anyone there, and after a couple of days sun you may see an improvement
I used to go to a quiet part of the beach when I went abroad for the first few days and put steroid cream on and after a few days I used to notice a difference ...not clear by any measure but I was a bit more comfortable uncovering .
I imagine it's worse as a woman ~~~~~I don't know why I said that~~~~~~~ it's bad for men and women.
I hope you manage to have a good time and hope the psoriasis won't marr it too much ..and Fred is right other people on holiday are busy enjoying their holidays and probably won't pay attention to you
Good luck and come and tell us all about it when you get back