Mon-07-08-2017, 17:15 PM
After I was told I had psoriasis I was given all different types creams on a try this one systems. I was then given methrotrexate . I was on it for nearly 2 years when my doctor at the hospital told me to stop taking methrotrexate and I had to go for a liver biopsy which was very painful, I was told that the methrotrexate had scared my liver. I was then put onto Acitretin 2x 10 mg caps for about 2 to 3 years then it was increased to25mg caps but that made me I'll so it was put back to 2x10 mg caps which I am still on.I still have my palms and the soles of my feet pealing but rest of my body is almost clear. My advice to anybody on methrotrexate to keep having your blood tested at regular times.