Hi all
I was diagnosed with Psoriasis when I was seventeen, not a good time to get covered in scales, I was enjoying my young life and was very keen on girls.
But when I shew signs of Psoriasis I would cover up and get very embarrased.
This was over 45 years ago and I dont think people were so liberal minded then.
I used to coat myself in the terrible gunk they prescribed at the hospital usally salysilic acid ( I've probably got the spelling wrong)or other coal tar treatments.
When these were ineffective they offered ultra violet tratment, in those days it was quite hit and miss. I stood in front of a large relector and someone adjusted a pair of carbon rods together to create an arc and produce UV. More than once I came out like a lobster.
Then I was put on steroid creams etc many different ones, some more effective than others. I found that by sunning myself in the summer as much as I could I would get relief from the symptons. then a month or so into the winter back it came and I would cover up again long sleeved shirts, no shorts. I found having Psoriasis made me very self conscious mainly when it was on my forehead and in my hair. Even if it was not visible I was always fearful of people seeing it. Fortunately I met my now wife and she is very understanding and did not make me feel like a leper. Although she was constantly hoovering.
I have had PUVA treatment but as I have read in here by others I to have had over a lifetimes allowance of UV and they will not give it to me any more.
I was then put on Methotrxate a super drug for controlling Psoriasis . I used to take 10 tabs on a Monday then on Tuesday I would always feel generally unwell, I then took on a Friday Folic acid tab. But I got to dread Mondays and had trouble swallowing all the tablets so I asked to come off it and then after a while they put me on Fumaderm. It works great for me. At first I had a few stomach cramps and hot flushes but I felt much better than on Methotrexate.
When I have plaques on my body (which I havent since starting Fumaderm) I used to help at the medical school showing the student doctors the various ways Psoriasis looks and give them an insight of how a person feels when suffering and explaining that there are phycological consequences to having the condition.
Then a couple of years on you find they are taking the Psoriasis clinic!!!. My feelings on that are in my other post Yesterday
I was diagnosed with Psoriasis when I was seventeen, not a good time to get covered in scales, I was enjoying my young life and was very keen on girls.
But when I shew signs of Psoriasis I would cover up and get very embarrased.
This was over 45 years ago and I dont think people were so liberal minded then.
I used to coat myself in the terrible gunk they prescribed at the hospital usally salysilic acid ( I've probably got the spelling wrong)or other coal tar treatments.
When these were ineffective they offered ultra violet tratment, in those days it was quite hit and miss. I stood in front of a large relector and someone adjusted a pair of carbon rods together to create an arc and produce UV. More than once I came out like a lobster.
Then I was put on steroid creams etc many different ones, some more effective than others. I found that by sunning myself in the summer as much as I could I would get relief from the symptons. then a month or so into the winter back it came and I would cover up again long sleeved shirts, no shorts. I found having Psoriasis made me very self conscious mainly when it was on my forehead and in my hair. Even if it was not visible I was always fearful of people seeing it. Fortunately I met my now wife and she is very understanding and did not make me feel like a leper. Although she was constantly hoovering.
I have had PUVA treatment but as I have read in here by others I to have had over a lifetimes allowance of UV and they will not give it to me any more.
I was then put on Methotrxate a super drug for controlling Psoriasis . I used to take 10 tabs on a Monday then on Tuesday I would always feel generally unwell, I then took on a Friday Folic acid tab. But I got to dread Mondays and had trouble swallowing all the tablets so I asked to come off it and then after a while they put me on Fumaderm. It works great for me. At first I had a few stomach cramps and hot flushes but I felt much better than on Methotrexate.
When I have plaques on my body (which I havent since starting Fumaderm) I used to help at the medical school showing the student doctors the various ways Psoriasis looks and give them an insight of how a person feels when suffering and explaining that there are phycological consequences to having the condition.
Then a couple of years on you find they are taking the Psoriasis clinic!!!. My feelings on that are in my other post Yesterday