Tue-04-04-2017, 13:43 PM
(Mon-03-04-2017, 14:38 PM)Will20 Wrote: Hi Kat,
Just got to keep the limbs going, as when I stop that's when they ache. I've had a 3 month course of Prednisone and several Steriod Injections but nothing changed. Have tried NSAID's and suffered nasty side effects.
The Butec Transdermal Patches 15mcg do help a bit, but I use these for pain relief for Disc problems in my Spine. As I have said: Just got to keep myself mobile. Psoriasis is looking good - just got staining where the patches were, hopefully that will fade also. Enjoy the rest of your day.
It's a vicious cycle... stay moving to help the joints but joints are painful so moving isn't as easy. Glad to hear the psoriasis is improving! Supposedly the steroid injections help with inflammation, but like you nothing changed for me that was noticeable and I did NOT like the prednisone.
Ouch, disc problems as well has to be a real bummer! Hang in there, sounds like you know what you need to do.